As I was working through my list of people I needed to buy gifts for over the Christmas season I came across my soon-to-be niece who's due date was December 21st. I already made her a blanket which you can read about HERE, but I felt I should get her a little something more.

I came across these adorable teether pacifiers on Instagram and thought they were adorable, and so handy! I decided to try my hand at making them!
It turned out really cute! If you would like to make one yourself you can read my how-to below!

Here's what you need:
Here's What You Do:
First take your string and pull it out to the desired length of your teether. Double that and cut it off so it's free from the roll.
Next tie a knot in the middle of the string, leaving a loop where you will be attaching the pacifier. Make sure the knot is secure and the loop is large enough to loop the teether to the pacifier.
Separate your two strings at the bottom of your knot. You will only be working with one of them.
String the beads onto the working piece until you've reached your desired length.
Once all your beads are on, grab your suspender clasp and tie it onto the string at the end of the beads. Get it as close to the beads as possible, you don't want them to be able to slide around much. Double knot it to be sure it's secure.
Cut off any excess string including the string you pushed aside in the beginning.
Grab your pacifier and loop the teether through itself so the pacifier is securely attached.
Enjoy your new teething pacifier!
This was such a quick and easy DIY, but definitely a useful one! If you try this for yourself, be sure to tag us @kjgifts, or #kjgifts so we can share it!
Thanks for reading!