This past summer Nate applied to a program at work that sends him #abroad for a year. The first part of the program will be from January-July and will be down in #MexicoCity. We're excited to go down there and explore a whole new country. We got the address and are starting to pack our bags! The official takeoff date is set to be January 19th.
In July he will be sent to a second location for the remainder of the year, but that location is still unknown. We've got high hopes, though!
I have gotten approval from work to tag along and work remotely. I'm grateful to work for such a flexible and understanding company!
However, because of this I will be leaving my post at @kjgifts during this time. I tried to look into shipping costs and how I could make it work from down in Mexico, but it just isn't feasible. This week will be the last week we are taking orders. So sorry for the inconvenience! We are planning to start things back up again in 2020.
We do have some inventory of mugs at Every Little Thing and More in Elmwood, Illinois. If you're in the area be sure to stop by and check them out, or follow them on social at @everylittlethingandmoreelmwood to get some things online!
In the meantime, if you have any ideas on how I can keep our pages interesting and relevant to you we are open to ideas. We would love to continue engaging with you all on a regular basis!
Also, if you have any suggestions on things to do down in Mexico, please let us know! You can follow along on my trip either here on the blog under "Travel" or follow me on #instagram at @jennydziedzic!
Thanks for reading!
