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My Cartagena, Colombia Bucket List!

Writer: JenJen

We will be spending half a year in this beautiful, old city and we can't wait to see it all. We curated a list of everything we want to do before our time is up! You can read about our #cartagena bucket list below!

  • Tour the walled city - The walled city is arguably the most beautiful and stunning area in Cartagena. The buildings are so colorful with amazing architecture, it's hard to ever put your camera down. Free biking tours are offered as a great way to see everything! Torre del Reloj is what you see below and probably the most photographed spot in Cartagena. Definitely a must see!

  • Get a picture with a "Chquita Banana" Girl - I don't think these women are actually called "Chiquita Banana" girls, but that's what I've been calling them... Inside the walled city you can find these women everywhere! They're covered in these beautifully colored dresses carrying around baskets of fruit. Their friendly faces are too great not to want a picture with them!

  • Grab a Drink at Cafe Del Mar - Cafe Del Mar is a beautiful restaurant located on top of the wall. It overlooks the ocean, Boca Grande and The Walled City. It's a great place to watch a sunset, grab a drink and listen to some live music.

  • Visit the Zenu Gold Museum - The Zenu indigenous people who were from the southwest side of Cartagena were phenomenal goldsmiths. This museum located inside the walled city pays a tribute to those people showing off their true talent. It's not as large as Bogota's but definitely worth a quick visit!

  • Getsemani - Gatsemani is a neighborhood right across from the walled city, it's full of art! Beautiful graffiti lines the walls ans well as colorful buildings. There are so many instagrammable spots!

  • Callejon Angosto and Calle de la Magdalena - Speaking of Instagrammable spots, these are two of the best. Cartagena has two Umbrella-lined streets and these are them. If you've looked up Cartagena's location on Instagram, or read other must-do blogs I'm sure you've seen pictures from here.

  • Learn to Salsa - Cartagena is overflowing with dance. It's such a huge cultural activity here. You can watch some of the best Salsa at Cafe Havana in the Gatsemani neighborhood.

  • Chiva Party Bus - In almost any blog you read about Cartagena, you see the #Chiva Party Bus. It seem's like a must-do! You get a tour around the city while you party with a bunch of soon-to-be friends.

  • Aviary - Colombia is home to over 1,800 species of birds. You can check out some of the coolest varieties at the aviary in Baru! Many of the tours offer time at Playa Blanca so it's a two-for-one! How can you say no to that?

  • Castillo De San Felipe - The Castle is just outside Getsemani. You can tour the whole thing for under $10 USD. It's super cool to walk through the tunnels, but the views are probably the best part!

  • Ceviche - When in Rome... Cartagena is known for it's #ceviche. You really cant visit without trying it! One of the best, most raved about restaurants is La Cevicheria. Go with a group and order a bunch of plates off the menu so you can try it all!

  • Visit the Rosario Islands - I don't think you can go wrong with visiting any of the Rosario Islands. There are 30 islands total, each with their own white sand beaches and turquoise waters. Cartagena is such a hot city so why not take a day to cool off at the beach. Most islands have the option to do a day trip. Some I've been to include Playa Blanca and Isla Grande (pictured below).

  • Take a Sunset Boat Cruise - Cartagena has some of the most amazing sunsets I've ever seen. I bet they'd be even better while sailing off the coast. There are plenty of trips you can buy for sunset cruises that are worth checking out!

  • Take a Dinner Cruise - Cartagena has so many good dinner spots, but dinner on the water sounds beyond amazing. It's a great way to see the city from a new angle!

  • Charter a Boat for the Day - Sticking with the water theme here, there's also the option to charter a private boat. If you're traveling with a group this could be a good way to hop around the Rosario islands while spending time out at sea!

  • Go Deep Sea Fishing - If you're into fishing why not try it out at sea! You can charter a private fishing tour for the day to see what you can catch!

  • Go Golfing - The Conrad Cartagena hosts the only PGA Golf Course in South America. If golfing is your thing, then you have to go give the course a try! Each hole boasts amazing views!

  • Visit the Pink Sea - The pink sea is an amazing attraction. Here you can breathe the purest air of the region, take advantage of the beautiful views, and feel the breeze of the Caribbean Sea. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

  • Visit El Totumo Mud Volcano - Immerse yourself in the famous mud volcano containing natural minerals with medicinal purposes while enjoying the views!

  • Take a Trip to Santa Marta - If you have the time, Santa Marta is worth the trip! It's about a four hour drive from Cartagena. Here you can visit Tayrona national park along the coast or dive deep into the jungle with a tour of Minca.

There's so much to see and do in Cartagena. I may not have hit all the points so if you think of something that I should add to the list, I'd be happy to hear it! Send me a message or comment below.

Thanks for reading!


*Disclaimer* - Not all photos are mine.



About Me

Jen's Journey is a collection of all the things I love including Travel, Food, Fun, and my career. After reading my blog I hope you find yourself admiring the smaller things in life and enjoying every second of it. I hope among all else it inspires you to do great things and love life.


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