Our first weekend back in CDMX After Cancun was great. Friday we ended up getting drinks and dinner with Christiane, our friend from Brazil who is also in this program.

The next morning we did a walking tour of our neighborhood, La Condesa, Roma, Polanco, downtown, and Coyocan that was set up by Nate's work. The three of us were on it. Our guide spoke English and was very informative.

We started in El Parque De Mexico which is walking distance from where we are staying. It's a beautiful park full of greenery. There's constantly a bunch of dogs running around there too which I love.

It's super peaceful, you can find people around every corner sitting and reading, or just relaxing. It makes you feel like your not in the middle of a giant city.

After learning about La Condesa and the restaurants we should visit near by, we went over to Roma. Roma is an awesome neighborhood just next to ours. It's one of the only places with a mini statue of David (above).

There's so many cute restaurants in Roma as well as beautiful buildings. I really enjoyed spending time walking through it!

There's an art gallery in Roma with a restaurant attached which is supposed to have some of the best Margarita's in town! It's beautiful inside with stain glass windows and old architecture.

We then made our way downtown and walked around there looking at all the beautiful buildings like La Case De Los Azulejos. I love the tile on the side of the building, it's not something you see very often in the US!

We walked down to the plaza, looked inside the cathedral as well as the ruins. #FunFact: the Cathedral is slowly sinking because the material they used to build it is too heavy for the soil they built on since Mexico City used to be mostly lakes. If you look down the right side cathedral hall you can see it tilting to the right.

The post office downtown is nothing short of amazing, its covered in 24 carat gold and has you in awe once you step through the doors.

El Palacio De Bellas Artes where you can see many activities such as music, dance, theatre, opera, and literature is one of the most beautiful building we saw today. The Outside is a stunning white color but once you step through the doors you're greeted by warmer reds.

After touring the historic downtown we went to #Polanco where we saw some of the high end shops, a market, the mall as well as the stunning Carlos Slim Museum which is a piece of art in itself.

After Polanco we drove to Coyocan, a town a little further out. There we got lunch at El Mercado De Carmen which is basically like a cafeteria that has a few different restaurants inside containing many different types of foods. It was like nothing we've ever had yet in Mexico City but it was delicious.

We then walked through a traditional market, got some coffee and walked towards the square. We watched a dance performed by some kids from outside Mexico City and crashed a wedding happening in the nearby cathedral. On our way back to La Condesa we drove through some cobblestone streets surrounded by beautiful houses including Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's house.

After our tour we we're tired and wanted to rest so had a relaxing night and rest of the weekend. The following week was Valentines day, we spent ours at Fishers because I was craving some oysters and clam chowder soup! It was delicious, but an atmosphere unlike anything we've seen. It was a nice sit down restaurant but was playing music like a club which confused us. It's a place worth checking out!

That weekend we decided it was time to get our first haircuts. That was nerve wrecking seeing as neither of us are great Spanish speakers. Thankfully all went well. Afterwards we went to La Condesa DF, a hotel about five minutes from where we are staying that has a rooftop. It was a beautiful day, and sitting in the sun was so pleasant seeing as we are still having negative degree weather back home.

We had a couple refreshing drinks and sushi as we soaked up the beautiful day. We decided it was such a fun place we have to bring our families and friends back to enjoy it with us when they come to town next month.

I had the following Monday off so I started my day by trying to find some souvenirs. I went to Fonart, which is a government run souvenir shop with handmade products right on Paseo de Reforma. I got a beautiful vase for our future house! Afterwards I got my nails done which was much needed. I went to a place called Mint Nail Bar in Condesa. It was super cute inside and they spoke English which was refreshing! Not to mention, my Mani-Pedi was under $25 including the tip! I will definitely be going back there!
The following weekend we went to San Miguel De Allende which is officially one of our favorite places we've been. You can find more about our thoughts on it HERE!
We have had a great month, but we're even more excited for next month since both of our families will be visiting! Can't wait to share more info and photo's with you all very soon!
Enjoy this video summing up our month below!