I have a friend who had given me some paw print material back when I was making masks which she had bought to make some bandanas for her own dog but never got around to it. Since my mask making has begun to slow down I decided to try out a new pattern I found for dog bandana's to gift to her.

Here's how it's done!
What You Need:
Scissors or Rotary Cutter
Sewing Machine
Straight Pins
What You Do:
To begin, create your pattern using your ruler, cardstock, pen and scissors. Start by measuring the length of your dogs collar (not including the buckle) as well as the hight at the widest part of the collar.
My dog's collar was 17 inches long and 1 and 1/4 inch wide.
Draw a line the length of your dog's collar + 1 inch to allow for a 1/2 inch seam allowance. I drew my first line 18 inces.
Next measure down the width of the collar + 1 1/4 inch to allow for the seam allowance as well as wiggle room for the collar to slide through. I drew the width of my regtangle to be 2 1/2 inches wide.
After the width line is drawn, draw a parallel line to the length in order to complete your rectangle and connect all lines.
Decide how long you want your bandana to be (I chose about 7 inches). From the middle of your rectangle, draw a line straight down the length you've chosen + 1 inch to allow for a 1/2 inch seam allowance. I drew my line to be 8 Inches.
Now connect the end of your middle line to the two ends of the rectangle to create the triangle of the bandana.
Cut out your pattern.

I ended up making my template18 long and 2 1/2 inches wide on the rectangle and then 8 inches long on my triangle portion.
Now that the pattern is ready, use it to cut out two pieces of fabric for your bandana.

Turn the right sides together and sew a 1/2 inch seam accross the top (rectangle) side.

Press the seam flat with an iron.

On the two sides, fold the fabric in 1/2 of an inch and press with an iron. Once Ironed pin those pieces down so they stay in place.

Fold your fabric together in half with right sides together and pin along the diagonal edge (triangle sides).

Then sew your diagonal edges with a 1/2 inch seam allowance. Be sure to keep the straigt sides open at the top so you can slide your collar through.

Turn your fabric right side out and iron it flat. Place the bandana on the collar to determine ow wide the pocket needs to be and mark it.

Sew the collar along the width where it was marked, back stitching on each end.

If you want to take it a step further you can cut out a cute saying with your #Cricut! Otherwise, enjoy your adorable new bandana!

If you enjoyed this tutorial and tried it for yourself, we'd love to see your creations! Send us a message or comment below!
Thanks for reading!