When on the search for cute and unique storage solutions, I cam across this adorable hanging hat wall. It looked so easy, but also so cute, I had to give it a try for myself.
You can read about how I did it, below!
What You Need:
Copper Pipe (1/2' by 3 feet)
What You Do:
Cut and tie 3 pieces of rope evenly across the metal pipe. These will be used to hang your hats, so determine how long you need your pieces to be. They can be all the same length or different lengths depending on your preference.
Measure and loop a piece of rope through the pipe to make a triangle.
Once you're done, tie the ends of the rope that you looped through the pipe together to create a full circle.
Use your hammer and nail to hang this triangle onto your wall at the desired height.
Start hanging your hats with the clothespins.
Enjoy your new hat wall!

If you enjoyed this tutorial and tried it for yourself, share your creations with us and let us know what you thought!
Thanks for reading!